How to Prepare for Your Portfolio Review.
Step One.
Read Up. Read through our Visual Arts Course Descriptions and take note of any classes that may be of interest to you. During your Portfolio Review, our Visual Arts faculty will use your selections as guidance to help customize your Visual Arts education at NSAA.
Get ahead of the game. If you'd like, you are welcome to print and complete our Portfolio Assessment Form. This form is the ideal place for you to indicate which of the courses offered are of interest to you. Don't forget to bring this form along to your Portfolio Review! Additional copies of this form will be available on the date of Portfolio Reviews.
Step Two.
Sign Up for a Portfolio Review. Don't forget to sign up for a Portfolio Review! We reserve a full 15 minutes for each student's Review to ensure we have plenty of time to discuss your Visual Arts study at NSAA.
We highly recommend you read through our Course Descriptions before signing up for a time slot, as you will be asked which courses interest you on your sign up form. Please note: If you do not schedule a time for a Review or miss your assigned time slot, you will be seen when our schedule permits.
Submit Your Digital Portfolio for Review. Any new Visual Arts students (or current students seeking placement in our Life Drawing class) should sign up for a Portfolio Review in order to be placed in the appropriate Visual Arts courses. In order to make the most of our time together, please share a link to a digital folder of your Portfolio for class placement when you sign up. Please be sure to include 5 to 6 sketches from your sketchbook and at least 3 to 4 finished pieces of artwork if possible. We look forward to meeting you!